In the world of snacking, finding the right balance of flavor and health can be a challenge. Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks emerge as a beacon for those seeking a heart-healthy, low-calorie option. With a variety of fruits and no added sugars, these snacks cater to both taste and dietary needs.

Del Monte FRUIT CUP Snacks, No Sugar Added, 12-Pack

Del Monte FRUIT CUP Snacks, No Sugar Added, 12-Pack

What Stands Out

  • Low Calorie Delight
    Each serving of Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks contains only 25-30 calories, making it an ideal snack for calorie-conscious individuals.
  • Heart-Healthy Choice
    With zero cholesterol and sodium, these fruit cups align perfectly with heart-healthy dietary guidelines, offering a guilt-free snacking option.
  • Rich in Dietary Fiber
    Despite the low calorie content, each cup provides dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and enhancing satiety, crucial for weight management.

Who Should Buy?

Suitable for Not Suitable for
The Calorie Counter Perfect for those meticulously tracking their calorie intake, as each serving is low in calories and fat, facilitating a controlled diet.
The Protein Seeker Not suitable for those looking to increase their protein intake, as these fruit cups lack significant protein content.
The Heart Health Advocate Ideal for individuals focusing on heart health, these snacks are cholesterol and sodium-free, supporting cardiovascular wellness.

Who Should Buy?

The Calorie Counter Perfect for those meticulously tracking their calorie intake, as each serving is low in calories and fat, facilitating a controlled diet.
The Heart Health Advocate Ideal for individuals focusing on heart health, these snacks are cholesterol and sodium-free, supporting cardiovascular wellness.
The Protein Seeker Not suitable for those looking to increase their protein intake, as these fruit cups lack significant protein content.

Nutritionists' Take

Discover what nutritionists think about the product and how it affects your health

  • Calories: The calorie content per serving is low, ranging from 25 to 30 calories, which is significantly below the typical calorie range for snacks. This makes it a very light and low-calorie snack option.
  • Fat: Contains no fat, which is beneficial for those monitoring their fat intake.
  • Cholesterol: Cholesterol-free, aligning with heart-healthy dietary recommendations.
  • Protein: Contains no protein, which is typical for fruit-based snacks but should not be considered a protein source.
  • Carbohydrate: Low in carbohydrates, with 6-8g per serving, making it suitable for low-carb diets.
  • Sugars: Naturally occurring sugars are present, ranging from 5-7g per serving, which is moderate and primarily from the fruits.
  • Sodium: Contains no sodium, making it an excellent choice for those on a low-sodium diet.
  • Fiber: Provides 1g of dietary fiber per serving, contributing minimally to the daily fiber intake recommendation.
  • Vitamins: Contains essential vitamins such as Vitamin C, though specific quantities are not detailed.
  • Calcium: Contains a small amount of calcium (6mg), which is beneficial for bone health but not a significant source.
  • Potassium: Contains potassium (61-74mg), contributing to the daily intake recommendation for maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Product Evaluation

Criteria Details
Digestive Health
While it contains some fiber, the overall fiber content is low, impacting digestive health.
Flavor Complexity
The flavor, though natural, is not complex, as it primarily comes from the fruits themselves.
Nutritional Balance
The product offers a good balance of nutrients, though it lacks in certain areas like protein and fiber.
Calorific Content
The low calorie content makes it an excellent choice for calorie-conscious consumers.
Heart Healthiness
Being free from cholesterol and trans fats, it is heart-healthy.
Diabetes Friendliness
Low in sugars and carbohydrates, making it suitable for diabetic individuals.
Allergen Free
The product is free from major allergens, making it suitable for individuals with common allergies.
Brand Reputation
Del Monte is a well-known and trusted brand, contributing to a strong brand reputation.
Flavor Balance
The natural sweetness from the fruits provides a well-balanced flavor profile.
The texture is consistent and pleasant, typical of fruit cups.

Product Details


Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Cherries

Nutrition Label

Nutrient Amount
Servings per container Cherry Mixed Fruit: 4
Mixed Fruit: 4
Diced Peaches: 4
Serving Size Cherry Mixed Fruit: 1 cup (113g)
Mixed Fruit: 1 cup (130g)
Diced Peaches: 1 cup (106g)
Calories Cherry Mixed Fruit: 25
Mixed Fruit: 30
Diced Peaches: 25
Total Fat Cherry Mixed Fruit: 0g
Mixed Fruit: 0g
Diced Peaches: 0g
Saturated Fat Cherry Mixed Fruit: 0g
Mixed Fruit: 0g
Diced Peaches: 0g
Trans Fat Cherry Mixed Fruit: 0g
Mixed Fruit: 0g
Diced Peaches: 0g
Cholesterol Cherry Mixed Fruit: 0mg
Mixed Fruit: 0mg
Diced Peaches: 0mg
Sodium Cherry Mixed Fruit: 0mg
Mixed Fruit: 0mg
Diced Peaches: 0mg
Total Carbohydrate Cherry Mixed Fruit: 6g
Mixed Fruit: 8g
Diced Peaches: 7g
Dietary Fiber Cherry Mixed Fruit: 1g
Mixed Fruit: 1g
Diced Peaches: 1g
Total Sugars Cherry Mixed Fruit: 5g
Mixed Fruit: 7g
Diced Peaches: 6g
Includes Added Sugars Cherry Mixed Fruit: 0g
Mixed Fruit: 0g
Diced Peaches: 0g
Protein Cherry Mixed Fruit: 0g
Mixed Fruit: 0g
Diced Peaches: 0g
Vitamin D Cherry Mixed Fruit: 0mcg
Mixed Fruit: 0mcg
Diced Peaches: 0mcg
Calcium Cherry Mixed Fruit: 6mg
Mixed Fruit: 6mg
Diced Peaches: 6mg
Iron Cherry Mixed Fruit: 0mg
Mixed Fruit: 0mg
Diced Peaches: 0mg
Potassium Cherry Mixed Fruit: 61mg
Mixed Fruit: 65mg
Diced Peaches: 74mg

AI Evaluators' Take ✨

The Organic Trendsetter ★ ★ ★ ★

EcoChic Lana appreciates the non-GMO and BPA-free packaging of Del Monte Fruit Cup Snacks. She rates it highly for its brand reputation and allergen-free contents, making it appealing to eco-conscious consumers.
Allergen Free Brand Reputation Flavor Balance
Allergen Free
Brand Reputation
Flavor Balance

The Eco-Warrior ★ ★ ★ ★

Sustainable Sasha finds Del Monte's commitment to non-GMO ingredients and BPA-free packaging aligns with her values. However, she notes the lack of local sourcing in their supply chain.
Allergen Free Brand Reputation
Allergen Free
Brand Reputation

The Eco-Friendly Eater ★ ★ ★ ★

GreenGourmet Alex praises the snack for its environmental and health credentials but is slightly disappointed by the low dietary fiber content, which could enhance its appeal to health-focused consumers.
Flavor Complexity Digestive Health Nutritional Balance Brand Reputation Flavor Balance Allergen Free Texture Diabetes Friendliness
Flavor Complexity
Digestive Health
Nutritional Balance
Brand Reputation
Flavor Balance
Allergen Free
Diabetes Friendliness

The Health Guru ★ ★ ★

GreenSmoothie Sarah values the allergen-free and nutritional aspects of the fruit cups but finds the lack of protein a missed opportunity for a more balanced snack.
Flavor Complexity Digestive Health Nutritional Balance Diabetes Friendliness Flavor Balance Texture Allergen Free
Flavor Complexity
Digestive Health
Nutritional Balance
Diabetes Friendliness
Flavor Balance
Allergen Free

The Health-Conscious Baker ★ ★ ★

WholesomeWheat Lindsay appreciates the low-calorie content and allergen-free nature of the fruit cups, making them a safe choice for kids' snacks, although she notes the minimal protein content.
Flavor Complexity Digestive Health Nutritional Balance Flavor Balance Diabetes Friendliness Texture Allergen Free
Flavor Complexity
Digestive Health
Nutritional Balance
Flavor Balance
Diabetes Friendliness
Allergen Free

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